*September 18th*

Many of us become preoccupied with changing others in our family. However, what about when the first hint of change begins to happen in our family member, are we "ready" for this change? The point is, we have ourselves to change, and, by good fortune, the changes we make can so improve the environment we live in.

We may think our problems are solved once our child develops vital coping skills, a good attitude and so on. We might believe our lives will be happy when our spouse stops some annoying habit. Yet, interestingly, this is seldom the case.

Today's Reminder
Emotional disturbance is one cause for poor decisions and misbehavior of those we live with. I will remember that when I am "right" in a matter, I will be right the "right way." If I am right the "wrong way", then my wrong is a greater wrong than the one I am criticizing.

"God, you are my strength. Give me this strength at times when I need it."

[Taken and fashioned from "One Day At A Time In Al-Anon"
for general family relationships by Jim Hogue, MA, MFTI]

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