*October 2nd*

Wanting to know why my spouse or children do the things they do, is "an itch for which there is no scratch!"

Some of us never get over trying to "figure things out." Sometimes, left to ourselves, we will absolutely "think-things-to-death!" Some how we believe, if we can only put our index finger precisely on the one reason for our family's immature behavior, the problem of that behavior will simply vanish away.

What is important, however, and within our God-given powers to figure out, is what "we" are doing that confuses and complicates life. When we discover this, and do something to change it, what will vanish will be a good number of "our own" troubles.

Today's Reminder
May I be the kind of husband or wife I need to be to my spouse. I wish to find what is good in others, and be quick to acknowledge it. May God help me to truly be a parent to my children, for my children will never have another father or mother but me. I will both love my children, yet see that they will experience, completely, the consequences of their own poor decision-making. This, and God's grace, will be sufficient to help them mature into healthy adults. In addition, I will refrain from burdening my family with unaswerable questions like "Why do you do the things you do!!!"

"Leave off that excessive desire of knowing; therein is found much distraction. There are many things the knowledge of which is of little or no profit to the soul."
(Thomas A'Kempis)

[Taken and fashioned from "One Day At A Time In Al-Anon"
for general family relationships by Jim Hogue, MA, MFTI]

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