*October 3rd*

When my spirit is in turmoil and my troubled thoughts race around and around, and I try to "reason myself" out of this frame of mind, it may be well to "stop reasoning" and hold fast to an idea that speaks of quietness and peace. That is: "Keep it simple and live with faith in the moment."

Probably there is nothing I can do now, this minute, this hour, this day, to solve the problem that is gnawing at my peace of mind. Then to what purpose do I torment myself?

I will stop depending solely on my own reasoning to solve things that are too great for me. I will not rehash, over and over, thoughts so bitter that they can make me feel physically ill in doing so. I will empty my mind of all this perplexity, and hold to just one simple thought, while I wait for God's guidance.

Today's Reminder
The things that trouble me are often too complex to yield to human reasoning. Indeed their reality may only be a creation of my confused thoughts. When I reach such an impasse, and I remind myself to "Keep it simple and live with faith in the moment." I know then I will find myself restored to composure.

"Under the shadow of Thy wing shall be my refuge until this tyranny pass." (Book of Common Prayer)

[Taken and fashioned from "One Day At A Time In Al-Anon"
for general family relationships by Jim Hogue, MA, MFTI]

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