*November 6th*

The topic today is on the little matter of "Stress". Actually, stress is not a little matter. Let's not fool ourselves, stress "kills" people in forms of heart disease, blood pressure and other medical conditions. Stress also effects our moods, energy level, as well as reactions to others inside and outside our families.

Remember, sometimes men, women and yes, even children, act and react in rage or isolation, related significantly to "stress" that is out of control or not within healthy management in our lives and bodies.

Today's "Daily Reading" is calling attention to a list of videos for your watching, entertainment and study on this web site "ParentDigest.Blogspot.com". (Currently this list is located at the bottom of the home page.)

Believe me, this is valuable stuff!!! ... One reason a "Stress Management Department" has been added to this "Parent Digest" site, is because "I myself" am in sore need of this attention without question, and perhaps immediately!!!

As a parent, and yes, even as a child or teenager, it can be helpful that we each remain cognizant of our own stress levels. "We need to give ourselves a break, man!" ... (Oh, and yes, I suppose give others a break to.) ... I mean, who really knows the degree of complicated tension, anxiety and worry other people suppress, and act out in strange ways!

Sometimes we can be "on edge." Do you remember being this way sometimes? Well, this alone can be a major contributor to a breakdown in coping skills. - Yours as well as your kids.

As a final note, videos on this subject will be added to the "Stress Management List" on a weekly basis. Please consult periodically. (Remember, scroll down the right side of the home page.)

[Written by Jim Hogue, MA, MFTI /
Supervisor: Peter Mosgofian, MA, MFT ]

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