*September 20th*

If irrational and irresponsible behavior on the part of a spouse or child has betrayed us into assuming an attitude of contempt, some serious examination of ourselves is in order.

Our family members are not "terrible people" with no sensitivity or good inside them. Troubling behavior may signal sick, confused and guilt-ridden human beings with badly battered egos.

God has given no one the right to humiliate another. In every one of His children there are qualities that should command our respect, and to withhold it is a wrong that will return to wound us.

Today's Reminder
It is vital to my serenity to separate in my mind the confused behavior from the person who suffers from it. I will dignify him or her with the respect which is everyone's due. This, in turn, will give my family the self-esteem that each deserves, and assist each to the best extent to make good decisions and act in ways that are appropriate.

"The surest plan to make a ‘man' a ‘man' is; ‘Think him so.'"

[Taken and fashioned from "One Day At A Time In Al-Alanon
for general family relationships by Jim Hogue, MA, MFTI]

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