When we are faced with the perplexities of our relationships with our spouse and children, and try to deal with those perplexities on our own, we are stubbornly refusing the help that could be ours in a Parent Team meeting, as well as others in our support network. Whose fault is it, then, when things get worse instead of better?
Today's Reminder
When I am confronted with a problem, I will calmly search out the most intelligent means of solving it. I will use the means that have helped so many others with problems like mine. The Parent Team program, and these readings, will be my daily guide, leading me out of confusion into peacefulness.
"Unless I love my martyrdom and cling to it, I need not be alone in freeing myself from whatever troubles me."
[Taken and fashioned from "One Day At A Time In Al-Anln"
for general family relationships by Jim Hogue, MA, MFTI]
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