*September 14th*

When greatly harming quarrels take place in the home, members of the family fail to realize that their intense involvement with each other can destroy what should be sacred relationships. With those who are closest to us, we are most apt to forget the consideration we owe to one another. Yet, in our counseling, assignments, and the Parent Team meetings we attend, we learn that we can set a new tone in the home by such a simple thing as courtesy, - a consistent, gentle courtesy, to every member of the family, including the littlest one.

Today's Reminder
A quiet, composed response to an enraged attack can "take-the-wind-out-of-the-sails" of the attacker like so much magic. What can I possibly lose by trying it? At least it will add to my own dignity and stature to say nothing I will later regret.

"Of Courtesy: it is much less
Than courage of heart or holiness.
Yet in my walks it seems to me
That the grace of God is in Courtesy."
(Hilaire Belloc: "Courtesy")

[Taken and fashioned from "One Day At A Time In Al-Anon"
for general family relationships by Jim Hogue, MA, MFTI]

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