My attitude toward another - whether they are behaving properly or not - can have untold influence on the life of my family. Perhaps due to many events and hardships that have happened in my own life, I acquired the habit of tearing down those who are close to me, showing my contempt for other peoples actions, if not aggressively, then passively. My indignation for the neglect of other people to complete their obligations. I am responsible for the consequences of my own attitudes. Even a little understanding and compassion will show us that our behavior is ego-destroying, and the egos of my spouse or child can already be painfully battered by guilt and fear.
Today's Reminder
I never want to forget that my spouse and children, with whatever faults they may have, are children of God, and are therefore entitled to my respect and consideration. I will guard against assuming the role of judge and punisher, for I cannot destroy another person without inflicting great damage on myself.
"It is easy, terribly easy, to shake a man's faith in himself. To take advantage of that to break a man's spirit, is devil's work." (G.B. Shaw: "Candida")
[Taken and fashioned from "One Day At A Time" of Alinon, August 19th, for the PARENT TEAM MEETING PROGRAM by Jim Hogue, MA, MFTI]
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