*August 15th*

Each of us, as a person, has enormous potential. Many of our frustrations come from not making the most of ourselves and getting out of life what it has to give, ready and waiting for us to accept.

I correctly entered a teamwork intervention program to create change in my child's terrible behavior. Still, I must admit to myself, that I could use the help a bit myself! Hey, this could help me, not only help my kid! ... Now that I think about it, even more, this stuff could help me with other people as well!

Yes, the solutions rest with me. With the help of my spiritual beliefs, I can adorn my life with serenity and happiness. It does not depend on any other person, and to the extent I accept this fact, the sooner I will be able to face other things in life rationally and realistically.

Today's Reminder
My child, as well as other people, can affect me only as I allow them to. I need not be influenced by others, for I am free to consult my own conscience, my own mind, and decide what is best for me as situations approach me each day. Also, I can realize my own strength and confidence by using my Daily Reading, counseling, and taking full advantage of the teamwork intervention program.

For the true believer in God, "Greater is He who is in me, than He that is in the world."

[Taken and fashioned from "One Day At A Time In Al-Anon", 8-15.]

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